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Author, SunDown SunRise

He read her thoughts. 'I can give you powers. I will show you everything.'

There was no need for Sam to reply. She was already feeling weak. There was nothing she could do anyway.

Biting his own wrist, then hers and pressing the two together so that their blood mingled, Otto held Sam's arms tightly behind her head and feasted long and hard on the open vein.

Sam felt the warm blood pumping out of her body and the cool liquid flowing into it. Slowing her racing pulse. Slowing her heart. Slower... Slower... Slower. She felt herself sinking. Sinking deeper and deeper into a morphic-like sleep/darkness. Deeper. Deeper. Deeper.

Was this sleep - or death?

Jackie Askew, SunDown SunRise

If you would like a signed, numbered copy of Jackie's vampire/goth novel, SunDown SunRise, you can order one directly from the publisher:
Nightshade Publishing, 19 Redlake Road, Freshwater, Isle of Wight, PO40 9DD, UK
The price is £7.75 UK Sterling for Europe, £10.50 ($16.00) for U.S. and elswhere (add $5 extra for air mail.) Make check or International Money Order (sorry - no foreign currency) out to 'J. Askew'. If you would like your copy personalised to yourself/someone else, please state name/message with order.
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